Sunday, May 22, 2005

And Now For a Report From the Lunatic Fringe

Hitler is Winning !!

Hitler’s maniacal plan for a master race did not end with World War II. It is being systematically implemented today at an accelerating pace.

In a shocking new exposé, Hitler Is Winning, author Jerry Leonard reveals that Hitler’s quest for a global eugenics empire never ended because those who brought him and his sinister movement to power were never condemned and punished. To that end, Leonard exposes the true source of Hitler’s power and plans – the leaders of some of America’s largest corporations who not only funded the global eugenics movement but aided Hitler’s attempts to implement it through direct assistance to the Nazi war machine. Hitler Is Winning reveals not only the history of these plans but how and why these plans are being implemented today.

If you’ve suspected a hidden agenda behind the importation of thousands of Nazi war criminals to the United States, abortion on demand, human chop shops [What ?!], euthanasia, bioethics, AIDS, cloning, genetic experiments, and an unending series of unethical medical testing programs conducted by the U.S. government, this book is for you.

This book will unmask this incredibly dangerous eugenics movement – still existing under various guises. In order to expose this ongoing eugenics movement, the present state and trends of the eugenics movement will be discussed along with what I believe to be the future of the eugenics movement – based on these trends. As horrible as it sounds, it is possible that a component of this alleged modern-day, applied eugenics program included the deliberate creation and unleashing of the AIDS virus. The fantastic [Exactly !] benefits that the AIDS catastrophe is quietly providing the eugenics movement will be discussed, as will be the relationship between the research that made the epidemic possible and research conducted in Nazi concentration camps.

Other Books By This Author:

AIDS: The "Perfect" Disease [Um...Right]


'Nuff said.


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